Hop for Hope is a new charity project set to become the country’s largest family friendly art exhibition – all to raise funds for The Alannah and Madeline Foundation.

We’ve been helping behind the scenes with our client Yarra Valley Chocolaterie, who’ve curated a collection of 40 Australian artists and identities to transform life-sized kangaroo sculptures into unique artworks. The “roos” are currently being painted and  decorated ready for the outdoor exhibition throughout September and October in the picturesque grounds of the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie.

David Bromley, Charles Billich, master potter Ted Secombe (pictured) and cartoonist Michael Leunig are amongst the artists involved, while Chrissie Swan, Robert DiPierdominco, Miguel Maestre and Janice Ellis are partnering with artists to create their roo.

Visitors to the free outdoor exhibition can vote for their favourite work, while an online auction to own a painted kangaroo is at the centre of the fund-raising efforts. The Q team are thrilled to be involved in this great collaboration. Find out more at